Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Human Heart A Day*49

During some much needed girl time last night I came up with this awesome Brain Human Heart...After listening to my girlfriend talk about her constant man problems and then me thinking of my own it all became clear to me...Women really are different to men, we don't trust our brain when love is concerned, we think with our hearts...Seems to be a constant battle for us, do we listen to our brain or our heart...

Materials used....I thought I should try something a little different with this one and try something new, so I painted it with watercolours...A medium im really not confident with but it was fun to experiment..

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Human Heart A Day*48

A few weeks ago I found this adorable little pond section abandoned in our garden, new straight away I had to use it somehow...So here is my Human Heart for today, with an emphasis on new life, but with the underlying stalker of death...

Human Heart A Day*47

Thought it was about time I got back to nature, this is a beautiful tree right outside my bedroom window that on closer inspection actually made a Human Heart on its own...So all I can really take credit for is the photo...I love how the trunk branches out to form the veins with the leaves making the Heart body...It really is amazing what you can find if you just venture out and open your eyes...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Human Heart A Day*46

Wow almost 50 down, such a great feeling to have gotten so far...So today I got my inspiration by looking down, literally at my feet..Im a massive lover of toe socks and im not ashamed to say it...I realise they happen to freak a lot of people out, so if your that way inclined, look away!! But everyone else, check out my beautiful hand sew toe sock Human Heart...

Materials used...Toe socks, aqua and peach material and as always, green thread...

Totally dying to sew a lung with the bronchial on the other one...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Human Heart A Day*45

Happy Valentines Day everyone....Was lucky enough to have amazing girl time today, my bestie and me went down to Glenelg for the evening..She took me to the most amazing little chocolaterie on the main street..We bought each other strawberries with dipping chocolate and ate them down by the beach, was so loverly...Who needs a man when you have such beautiful friends and such awesome chocolate...

Materials used...Sketch pad, faber castel watercolour pencils...

Human Heart A Day*44

This ones for my beautiful Facebook wife, Joelle...She's been bugging me to make a rice Human Heart for weeks now, so here you go darling, this ones all yours... <3

For anyone who's interested, I actually made up sushi rice for this one, so gluey rice with a tea spoon of sugar and a dash of vinegar..Then added the food colouring before letting it cool...Once it was cool I wet my hands with cold water so I could manipulate the rice without it sticking to my fingers...Had to wash my hands in between touching the rice every time, which got quite tricky with the veins...But all in all probably only took about an hour to complete..By the way, Im not sure I would recommend eating this, but it looks awesome..

Materials used...White rice, blue and red food colouring, sugar and Japanese vinegar...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Human Heart A Day*43

I wanted to take some inspiration from my all time favourite artist today, Salvador Dail..Only recently I had a few people compare the style of my new pieces to his and yet I hadn't even considered them to be of the Surrealist movement..It surprised me, I had not realised how something that you see regularly in life could have such an impact in your decisions...Really made me think about the imagery that I let into my life..They say that an average person receives up to 3000 advertising images a day, so is that what were becoming, just a product of society..If this is true, we definitely need to watch less tv and read more books..

So in honour of Dalis amazing melting clocks. I bring you my melting Heart....

Materials used...Sketch pad, black sharpie, blue and pink pens..

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Human Heart A Day*42

Never been a cereal girl (ahhh Sesame street) but really loving this new Be Natural, Pink lady and Flame raisin mix...Soooo good its become my new midnight snack...Thought it deserved an appearance..

Human Heart A Day*41

Disclaimer..I have never written out any of my recipes before so I hope it makes sense..Just been experimenting with flavours and this is what I came up with..Damm Im going to make some now..Mmmm

Healthy Heart Warm Salad-Vegetarian


1 Can Four bean mix
1 Bag Rocket and spinach mix
1 Cup Pumpkin
1 Punnet Cherry tomatoes
½ Sliced Red onion
1 Diced Zucchini
6 Slices Halumi 1cm approx
Olive oil
Balsamic vinagar
Salt and pepper

Grill zucchini and pumpkin with dash of olive oil and salt and pepper...Takes approx 30mins depending on griller and size...We want them brown and caramelised but still firm..

When the grilling has about 5-10 mins to go, put dash of olive oil in pan and fry up the halumi, tomatoes and red onion..I like the halumi golden brown but the tomatoes and onion still firm..

Drain bean mix and rinse well, check the spinach mix for dodgy bits..

Put everything in a large salad bowl, add a nice thick drizzle of balsamic vinegar and mix salad well..I don't add any extra salt and pepper or olive oil at this point but you can if you want..

Now eat and enjoy.. :)

If you want to add meat I've found diced chicken breast is perfect..

Human Heart A Day*40

Had this idea rolling around my head for weeks but wasn't sure how to pull it off..Think I'll try it again as it didn't work out as 3D as I'd hoped, but worked out okay..Just drew my Heart on the toilet roll then carefully sliced around the sides and the middle bids with a stanley knife and proud to say I still have all of my fingers..Will see if the olds notice it when they come home..

Materials used...Toilet roll, sharpie and stanley knife..

Friday, February 10, 2012

Human Heart A Day*39

All my favorite jewelry, including my anatomically correct hand made silver Heart, with black diamonds in the veins, made by the loverly Peggy Skemp....Still craving her lung locket by the way...Hint hint people....Anyway, yes Human Heart...Yet again another cool effect from the pink, hope you like..

Human Heart A Day*38

Mmmmmm some of the naughty things I Heart...Except for the Beam, not sure how that got in there...I know these pinky ones are relatively simple but I've actually been doing some experimenting with my photo editor..I managed to make 3 Hearts on the same pink paper look completely different..Pretty cool really..Makes you wonder if anythings real in the new computer age we live in...

Materials used...Sugar scull, mini piss bottles...

Human Heart A Day*37

Just a bit of fun today...

Materials used...Some of my favorite little toys from when I was a kid..

I Heart them..  <3

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Human Heart A Day*36

Today we were naughty..We had chips and gravy for dinner because none of us could be bothered cooking and my gosh was it good...One of the ideas in the creativity journal was to make something that would disappear quickly..Like in the foam of your coffee, so I made a Human Heart in the gravy..Its a bit hard to see in the photo but I hope you can get the gist..

Human Heart A Day*35

Today I had a little help..My loverly brother Ben gave me the idea of a heart cookie and my beautiful gf Jo baked and drank wine with me..Was really nice actually...Will definitely have to bake cookies again..So I made a gingerbread cookie Human Heart..Not the most detailed of hearts but pretty good considering how soft and runny the mixture was..

Ps.Yummiest Human Heart ever!!

Materials used..

Fresh out of the oven
Love how the cracks made almost perfect veins
Fresh gingerbread dough heart

My pretty finished heart
Mmmmmm think I'll eat you now...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Human Heart A Day*34

Another lonely Laura poem....This is one of my latest attempts of finding the positive in my negative...Something I have to really work on...

Human Heart A Day*33

So this ones actually a statement on abusive relationships...Something I know a huge percentage of woman have been exposed to..I guess I made this from the point of you of the woman who stay, myself unfortunately included in that...But never again, I hope...

Think I want to rename this one...
The dangerous cycle of love....

Click picture for larger image

Human Heart A Day*32

Yay I've finished my first month of hearts!! Dont know how but Im quite relieved, didn't think I would make it this far to be honest...But here I am with hopefully minimal grammatical errors..So have a few more poems to post, then I promise I will get back on the physical hearts..

This ones all mushy, sorry about that..Thats what happens when Laura gets lonely...

Click picture for larger image..

My pretty birdy all finished

So about a week ago you may have seen my Human Heart A Day post for the bird heart...Just thought I'd show you my finished bird skeleton...Love him so much, just need a glass case for him now...If anyone knows where to get one please let me know..Thanks

Human Heart A Day*31

This ones very close to me at the moment, its about the walls we build around ourselves..There ment to be there to protect us from getting hurt but I think in the end they do more damage than good...I may be safe in my comfort zone, but I'm not learning anything new, not seeing new things..Im not really living life...Something Im drastically trying to change....

Click picture for larger image...

Human Heart A Day*30

This is one of my slightly more depressing pieces but I used symbolism instead of making it gory...Its about suicide...Dont worry people that know me, im just venting, not contemplating..

Click picture for bigger version..

Human Heart A Day*29

Today I created my heart a day poetry journal...I've been writing poetry for years now but had never shown anyone or even taken it seriously..But its strange..Im only a month into doing my hearts and I've noticed its helped my creativity in so many different new ways...I've started cooking more and creating new interesting dishes, I've been writing poems everyday and just my whole out look on life has changed...So I decided to start putting everything down on paper...I was given this amazing hand made leather diary by my loverly sister in law and brother a few years ago but was always to scared to use it...Its way too pretty just to have sitting on my bookshelf so Im turning it into my heart journal, aka the poetry from my heart...

So this week I haven't made any hearts, instead i've been writing from the heart...