Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Human Heart A Day*57

Day two of my studies brings a rear view sketch of the Human Heart..Never realised how much harder it would be to draw a Heart in different angles like this..Its actually quite challenging when you have such a specific picture in your head..I have been wanting to start on some smaller pieces to give me a break from the massive painting i've been working on..So I think these little guys will be featuring on some small canvases very soon..So stay tuned..

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Broken But Growing

So much has happened in the last 2 months, I have left the nest and moved out with my brother..After leaving everything that felt so familiar and safe I have to admit that Im feeling quite lost and confused..I new it was going to be hard but to be honest I really didn't think it through very well..Actually at all..Anyway I wont bore you with my conundrum of a life..

Part of the move had a lot to do with me wanting to step out and change my life..I've spent way too much time in Adelaide hiding in my room so in light of trying to change and grow within, I have also began changing on the outside..Check out my new and improved artistically amazing arm..Thanks Fabz..

Optical Illusions By Salvador Dali
Tattoo By Fabian Danger De Gaillande
And yes its fresh and unfinished

Me half way into our 10 hour session, yay for lunch breaks!!
The Anthropomorphic Cabinet By Salvador Dali
Tattoo by 
Fabian Danger De Gaillande

Feeling overly impressed with my sleeve so far..

Human Heart A Day*56

Hello, long time no beat..Sorry for the minor disappearance, I moved interstate 2 months ago and only had our new internet hooked up today..Was actually nice to have bit of a blog break, but its time to get back on the Human Heart train..

This is for my educational artistic side..The part of me that yearns to be able to have intellectual and informative conversations about my art..Because even though my art is emotionally based and sometimes quite surreal, I do try to make everything as anatomically correct as possible..