Monday, January 30, 2012

Human Heart A Day*28

My cold wire Heart and now my calloused, bleeding fingers...So far the most painful of all my hearts, almost gave up there...Worked out great, although would recommend thinner wire for anyone trying this at home..

Materials used...Wire and a lot of bending.. :)

Human Heart A Day*27

My Heart of wax...Didn't work out like I planned at all...Think I'll definitely have to try this one again at some point...But at least it still looks like a Human Heart..Well kind of..

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Human Heart A Day*26

My gosh today was a long one, but not your usual Australia Day...Well not for me anyway..Yesterday mum found me a present, a beautifully almost mummified little bird...So I spent the whole afternoon/evening meticulously scraping dried skin and ligaments to reveal its beautiful bones..Never done this before so Im still not sure if its going to work or if in three months it'll waste away and fall apart..But was a good learning experience...So todays heart isn't actually one I made, Its one I found...Inside of the bird its heart was perfectly perserved inside its rib cage...Well at least I think its a heart.. 

Mummified Bird Heart

Me at our kitchen table cleaning the bird skeleton... Just realised even this photo has a heart, just not a human or animal one...My pretty heart/peace sign tattoo in honour of my poppa...

Human Heart A Day*25

One of my goals for 2012 besides my Heart a day is to become a more technical drawer...Especially for human anatomy, books like Grays Anatomy inspire me so much..The detail and precision of there diagrams is just amazing...Obviously I always tend to bend into more emotional paintings with strong meaning but that doesn't mean they cant be anatomically correct...I also want to work on my surrealism, so basically the opposite side of the spectrum...Artists like Salvador Dali and Frida Kahlo inspire a lot of my new pieces...All on my Deviant Art page if your interested...So this is my first attempt at an anatomically correct heart and lung diagram for 2012...Took me about 3 hours but will work on it some more I think..

Human Heart A Day*24

So finally got to finish my clay heart today, although I think it did look awesome plain...Was really hard to get a good photo but you get the gist..Really want to incorporate this into a painting now but still playing with ideas..Will show you one day when its done..

On my leg...

On the cover of the 365 book...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Human Heart A Day*23

Yay finally back up to date, finding it quite hard to post everyday but not going to stress...I figure as long as I'm making all the Hearts it doesn't matter if there not posted everyday, although I'd rather it..Going on a health trip today and what could be better for your heart than veggies!! So everyone hope you always remember 2 fruit and 6 veggies (yes its gone up) a day will hopefully keep the doctor away..But most importantly you will feel way better, inside and out..

Materials used...A capsicum, celery, a carrot and my mothers t-towel..

Human Heart A Day*22

Spent the afternoon helping mother with her scrap booking project and while I was going through all her pretty things I came across these beautiful shells...Think my brains starting to go Heart crazy because I straight away could visualize it...So just fiddled until I got it to work..

Materials used...Pretty shells

Human Heart A Day*21

By far my favorite vegetable and an awesome carving medium...Mmmmmm potatoes...Except I dont think we'll be eating this one..Had a bit of fun with this one..I used one of our awesome sharp steak knives and carved a human heart into half a potato..Then painted it up all pretty before stamping it around..This would make wicked Valentines Day wrapping papper!!

Materials used...Potato, steak knife, paint and paint brush..

Painted potato stamp

My pretty stamps

It wasn't until I finished I realised I should have carved it in backwards.. OOPS's...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Human Heart A Day*20

Dont have a lot to say really other than to say it's been a hard few days...Not because of any specific thing, just because I am the way I am...I don't really like the idea of sharing my deepest darkest secrets with the whole world but considering know ones reading it probably doesn't matter...Today I give you my heart and all the baggage that comes along with it...I've never been able to put into words what my disease does to me, never quite been able to explain...So I hope you'll stay and read on, to see im still me...

BPD.... The stalker inside

When the pain grows
Manifesting inside
My rage congealing
Consuming my soul
At least I can see
My eyes open wide
I see what I am
And what's growing inside 

But the pain is a blessing
At least I can feel
For when the darkness closes in
There is nothing to feel
No pain
No love
No hate
Just numb 
And thats why I bleed

Human Heart A Day*19

Today I painted my very first ever Heart in oils and as you might see it wasn't a total success...Its funny how judge ourselves isn't it...How we can be so overly critical and beat ourselves down...It's just so hard to find a happy medium in life...Either were to blazae Cant work out how to spell it and seen as careless or were too over critical and drive ourselves mad..Or maybe thats just me...Either way I've decided to post it so I can compare it with another one later in the year..Hopefully then I can see how much improvement im making...

Human Heart A Day*18

So I thought I would try a new medium today..Digital...Something I admit I'm not the biggest fan of and not because its different and new but because I like to get my hands dirty..I love painting and ending up covered from head to toe and usually in my hair..I love the smell of turps, washing my brushes and painting my cat whiles he's sleeping..I just love it...But to grow we need to expand the mind and to do that we need to try new things...So here is my first ever digital painting..Not a masterpiece but a small step in my journey for growth...

Materials used...I dont have any fancy software, but I do have an I Phone and a cool paint app.. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Human Heart A Day*17

Today I learnt a very important lesson, perseverance...Something that I admit I've never been good at...I almost gave up a few times on this one, but I'm glad I stuck it out...I've had a hunk of clay sitting in my room for years now but only used it a few times for very basic projects...I just new I had to use it at some point for a Heart, so why not today...My Heart is only but a few inches high and yet it took about 3 hours to complete...I had quite forgotten how fiddly and messy clay could be and in hindsight I probably shouldn't have made it in bed...Whoops..But here it is, in all it's glory on one of mothers dinner plates...Just hope I can get it off in one piece once it's dried...

Human Heart A Day *16

So late as usual..Think Im going to have to do two in one day, then I'll be back on track..Just never seem to get any inspiration till night..Today I've been quite stressed to be honest, so I kinda drew my own heart, well at least how it's feeling..First time I've ever drawn anything with texta, I always use pencil so I can rub it out a million times..Actually worked out alright..Will definitely have to do it again..So hear it is, my messy, shaken Heart...

Materials used...Sketch pad and artline texta..

Monday, January 16, 2012

Human Heart A Day *15

The day of hiding, well for hearts anyway...Wanted to use green so badly but decided that was the easy way out...Not much else to say except I really hope you can see it..

Materials used...My beloved glitter glue, Christmas wrapping paper and scissors..

Click photo for enlarged version..

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Human Heart A Day *14

So after a full on day of fun yesterday with my ladies we went back to Aunt Bs for some more wine and laughter..Of course that ment some of us had to sneak off for a smoke and lucky we did because we found the most perfect little rat skeleton..So obviously Laura (me) had to bring it home..As soon as I saw it's perfect little skull I just new it would be perfect for todays Heart..After a little bit of fiddling here it is.. 

Materials used...Rat skeleton, including spine, leg bone and skull on a ping pong bat for colour and texture..

Human Heart A Day *13

Better late than never, something I'll probably say a few times this year..Yesterday I had the most amazing lunch and wine tasting day with my Mother, Aunt B and cousin Renee..But unfortunately, when I got home the screen was a little to blurry to post anything coherent..But we did manage to make a heart and by we I mean Mum made a mess at the fine dining restaurant and we all watched..Amazing how human hearts are just popping up everywhere..

Materials used...White tablecloth and pumpkin dip..

It may not exactly be anatomically correct but considering all mum did was miss her bread, then move her plate..A completely accidental but amazing Human Heart..Technically not made by me, but I watched and took the

Friday, January 13, 2012

Human Heart A Day *12

Been stressing all day about what heart to do, I've been doing a lot of experimenting but so far nothing is finished or has even worked..So I grabbed the book and did yesterdays instead..You may just think its a crappy doodle of mine but this is A Human Heart drawn with my left hand (Im right handed) and this is actually my third try at it..The first two looked scary..

Materials used...Green furry pencil and my sketch book..

So it didn't actually take very long to draw so I spent some time playing with it till I got a cool photo..

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Human Heart A Day *11

Today I'm quite down, just a mess really...Not going to let it keep me down thought..I didn't feel like making anything physical, so I wrote a poem instead..

Materials used..My Heart and soul...And my fingers to type it..

My Bleeding Heart

Slipping away 
Or should I fight
Just know I'll stay for tonight

Passing dreams
Or true love be
Just know I'll stay for tonight

My bleeding heart
Lying cold on the floor
Just know I'll stay for tonight

Dead inside
No hope left
Just know I'll stay for tonight

Human Heart A Day *10

Had so many thoughts running through my head today and by that I don't mean cool ideas for my 365 project..Didn't feel like making anything so decided to work on some sketch ideas I've been having..You already know im completely obsessed with hearts and human anatomy but what you dont know is that im also quite obsessed with animals, mainly using parts of them in a different way..

So here it is, my beautiful sketch of a Human Heart octopus..Obviously it's not painted and finished yet but will show you when it all comes together.. :)

Materials used..Canvas paper, a green pencil, a black felt tip pen and some cool pickled octopuses my mum gave me for reference.. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Human Heart A Day *9

So one of the cool things I've been checking out lately on the net is found art and not just an old shoe, I mean finding a Human Heart for instance in something else..Which is exactly what I found today, I started my heart project today only to discover its probably going to take weeks if not months to finish, so I had a break and got some snacks..Luckily for me we had in the shell, fresh nuts and when I cracked open a walnut, it split leaving two perfect pieces and when I looked inside, there was the most perfect, imperfect Human Heart I have even seen...

So please enjoy, hope you can see it too..

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Human Heart A Day *8

Guess I must be having painting withdrawals or something because again today, all I wanted to do was get messy..Been thinking about when I was a kid in art class and all the fun things we used to do and so this new masterpiece (lol) was born...

If anyone out there ever has any ideas for hearts or cool things you did back at school please do tell..

Materials used...Acrylic paint, green paper and the ability to fold..

Guess I must be an old romantic at heart because the idea of two hearts becoming one, affects me in ways not fully understandable to me...

Human Heart A Day *7

Wow cant believe I've finished my first week of human hearts..Pretty exited now for next week..I just hope I can keep the creativity and motivation going..

So as you may notice, I'm almost 3 hours late with this one, but it couldn't be helped..A huge storm blew in today so we lost all power and internet for most of the afternoon/evening and as I discovered, it's really hard to paint by candle light..Today made me realise a lot about myself and the world we now live in..It was crazy but without power I was completely lost..I couldn't cook my dinner, I couldn't watch tv, I couldn't even use the phone..It was actually quite distressing..It's really sad to me though, I never realised how much I rely on modern technology in my every day life...It's something that I really need to question more I think..

Well long story short, my heart today was inspired by two things...Firstly Gods promise to us and second, to gay rights..Which most would think are opposites, but to me it's just all love..

Materials used...Sketch pad, acrylic paint and a felt tip pen..

And sorry for the terrible photo quality.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Human Heart A Day *6

Hello all, cant believe I'm at day 6 already and haven't missed a heart yet..Will have to wait and see how I go once I go back to working full time..Will definitely be more of a challenge..

But forward it is so here's todays little project..All I could think about was bleeding hearts today, so my natural go to was good old tomato sauce..So between bleeding broken hearts and yummy sauce I was in quite familiar territory and because I hate waste, I made this one a tiny 7 by 4cms big..My smallest heart to date.. :)

Materials used...Tomato sauce and my mothers favorite dinner plate..

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Human Heart A Day *5

So today I finally made use of some of the cool things I've randomly collected in my art box..I like the symbolism that came through too, all of the pieces I used are broken but together they were made into something whole and because it's a backwards abstract piece, I made the heart backwards too..

Materials used...Doll parts, a shell, a rock and half a plastic brain..

 I know its quite abstract, so I hope you can see how it make's a heart..

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Human Heart A Day *4

Its amazing how much more you value your time when you have things to do..Its like a constant battle between being productive and enjoying life..But I think I mastered it today, had some great hangout time with my Mum, great big cuddles with my Boony (Rabbit) and Yoda (Cat), did all my paperwork and even got my Heart done before dusk..

Day 4...Today was fun, I got to go for a walk and then make my Heart from whatever I could find..

Materials used...Beautiful half burnt pieces of bark and a rock..
So here it is for your viewing pleasure...

My Artiness

Thought I might upload a few of my paintings from my last exhibition..So enjoy.. :)

 Floating into Nothing

This painting is basically my feelings vomited up onto a canvas...I wanted to show in a physical sense how I was feeling inside...So generally lost, confused, my heart had been ripped out and I had lost my identity...I think I captured it perfectly...


This Self Portrait is kind of the second half of "Floating into nothing"...To explain this is the action I wanted to take because of how I was feeling inside..I was so lost and confused that I just wanted to rip all of my skin off..So thats me, exposing my neck muscles...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My Favourite Quote Of The Day

      If you can't do anything without money,
   Don't you think you have already been enslaved?

Human Heart A Day *3

So today I got on the heart train reasonably early...I worked within the restraints the book.. It took a while to get the shape right, I tried folding the paper in varias ways but i've always preferred the crinkled look so it won in the end..

Day 3: Make something out of paper, but don't use scissors or glue or draw on it.

Materials used... Origami shiny paper and sticky tape...Not glue so I didn't cheat!! lol

And yes that is a vagina in the middle of the heart, it's an ongoing theme that has run thru a few of my pieces now...About how women, particularly young girls dont realise that every time they have sex, they give a piece of there heart away..Until the day they realise they have nothing left to give..Something I wish I had known and understood as a teenager and I guess part of the reason for the name, BrokenButGrowing.. Because as I have finally come to realise, although my poor heart has been beaten and battered over the years, it can and will heal with time.. :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Human Heart A Day *2

Its been a long day but a good one and got this baby finished just in time...Quite happy with it too...Just a side note, this Human Heart a Day thing is harder than I thought!!

Materials used...Old globs of dried up acrylic paint I've collected over the years from my paint pallets on canvas...Always wanted to use them but never found a use.. :)

My Favourite Quote of the Day

If you want something done, do it yourself!!  AKA Took photos of my paintings today and are in the process of editing them and getting them all up on my DeviantArt page.. :) Yay...So check them out if you have a chance..Now all I have to do is my Human Heart for today..So hot in Adelaide right now maybe I can make it with sweat.. :p

Me out the front in the 40 degree heat taking photos.. :)

Oh and Happy New Years everyone!!! oxox